I wish it was
possible to get through life without hurting people's feelings. Sure,
you can keep your mouth shut, and never let out how to truly feel
about some things. That's possible for some, but it's not always easy. That's
what I do. It's so mind numbing, and frustrating, and it makes me
crazy, but it's what I want. Honesty hurts people. Honesty is kinda'
like music. Sometimes, what you're hearing is painful but it needs to
be heard. Music is a voice, one that speaks truth, lies, love, hate,
peace, war, life, death and so many other things. To me, that's what
honesty is. There is just so much to say. Yet, I'd rather go to my
grave holding most things inside. It's a dangerous flaw of mine,
one that I feel I have to just embrace, and learn to live with.
When you're
honest with people, they get hurt. When I tell people things that get
to me, I feel like a monster. Like an angry little monster that tears
people down. We're all different people, we all feel different about
certain things. So, when you have hate towards something that
somebody else loves, and you say it out loud....feelings get hurt.
Some people don't care. Some people find pleasure in hurting people,
and their feelings. Some of them thrive on it, and can't go one day
without tearing somebody else to pieces. I'll never be that person. I
never want to be that person. Even when I'm being as nice as I
possibly can be in my honestly, I still feel like a monster. One of
the monsters that often tears me down.
I cannot
stress enough just how much I wish it was possible to get through
life without hurting one's feelings. I understand, sometimes it's
human nature to let it all out, and just be honest. It's ironic to
me. I'm fighting against human nature, only to avoid being a monster.
Strange Irony. Kinda' sounds like a song title.....